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Celebrate Wear Your Jersey Day

By USA Hockey, 03/02/18, 4:00AM MST


Show off your favorite hockey jersey today at school, work and out on the town!

USA Hockey's Wear Your Favorite Jersey Day encourages hockey fans across the country to throw on their favorite hockey jersey and share a photo on social media using #HockeyJerseyDay.

We'll share some of our favorite photos on this page later today.

HWAA Daily Themes

Date Theme
Friday, March 2 Wear Your Jersey Day
Saturday, March 3 Try Hockey Day
Sunday, March 4 Hockey Heroes Day

Be part of the social conversation regarding USA Hockey's Hockey Weekend Across America initiative. Here's how you can participate in today's HWAA theme: Tweet and post to Instagram using #HockeyJerseyDay

Please note, #HWAA is the main hashtag throughout the week.


A young boy, in a black Bauer helmet and a navy USA Hockey/NHL jersey sits on the ice and smiles during Try Hockey For Free Day

USA Hockey News

Emma LaRoche hockey